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Updated: Aug 6, 2020

It is official - the Potters Guild of BC has received full grant funding to initiate our gas kiln project!

We have purchased a professional quality 80 cubic foot Bailey gas kiln (formerly owned by Emily Carr University of Art and Design), and we are now able to install the kiln. We expect to have the kiln up and running by the end of 2019. This will be the only publicly accessible gas kiln in Vancouver, and firing will be available to members of the PGBC and the wider ceramics community on a fee-for-service basis. We are so pleased to move forward with this project after 18 months of planning.

Our kiln will be located at the Mergatroid Building in East Vancouver's Strathcona Neighbourhood. We would like to thank our funders the City of Vancouver and BC Gaming grants. Special thanks to our landlord Morley Faber for all his ongoing support of the project.

We will provide updates as we take critical steps in the coming months to make the gas kiln project come alive.

PGBC Gas Kiln Committee and Advisors:

David Robinson (PGBC President)

Heather Lippold (PGBC Secretary)

Laura Carey (PGBC Treasurer)

Diane Espiritu (PGBC Director)

Amelia Butcher (PGBC Director)

Angela Hopkins

Tony Wilson

Morley Faber

Darlene Nairne (Advisor)

Keith Rice-Jones (Advisor and PGBC Past President)

Celia Rice-Jones (Advisor)

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